Dear Brothers & Sisters in Christ, we are blessed to have the opportunity to bring this Health Screening & Cancer Awareness Talk on 08.09.2024, from 9.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m. to the parishioners of SFA for the benefit of your physical health in line with our 8th Habit of Effective Christian Living, Healthy Lifestyle.
To all those who are interested, kindly register for the available programmes which include:
Cancer Awareness Talk
Perkeso Health Screening Program
HPV Vaccination (aged 13 & 20 yrs old)
Free Cancer Screening (Jejak Kanser Program)
Kindly register using the link provided below:
Thank you and we hope to see you there!
For further information, kindly contact:
Faustina (017-718 8255) or Maria (011-6960 9157)
Family Life Ministry
Health & Wellness Ministry
Young Adult Ministry