Pilgrims of Hope

Welcome to Jubilee 2025 at SFA Church!
The Jubilee Year is a sacred time of grace and renewal in the Catholic Church, celebrated every 25 years and rooted in the ancient traditions of jubilation and reconciliation. Proclaimed by the Holy Father, this extraordinary year invites the faithful to deepen their relationship with God, foster unity with one another and all of creation, and experience the boundless mercy of our loving Father. Jubilee 2025, with the theme “Pilgrims of Hope”, calls us to live as bearers of Christ’s light, embracing hope and sharing it with the world.

Pope Francis, Bull of Indiction of the Ordinary Jubilee of the Year 2025
May the Jubilee be a moment of genuine, personal encounter with the Lord Jesus, the “door” of our salvation, whom the Church is charged to proclaim always, everywhere and to all as “our hope”.
A Message from Our Parish Priest

Dear Friends in Christ,
Peace and goodness to you! As we embark on this Jubilee Year, I warmly invite you to join us at SFA Church, a designated Jubilee Pilgrim Church, as we celebrate this time of grace and renewal. This sacred year is an opportunity for us to deepen our faith, strengthen our bonds as a community, and encounter God’s love and mercy in transformative ways.
Through prayer, pilgrimage, and the sharing of our faith, we journey together as “Pilgrims of Hope,” embracing the call to live as joyful missionary disciples of Christ. At SFA Church, we are delighted to offer a rich array of Jubilee events, pilgrimages, and spiritual formation to inspire and guide you on this path.
I look forward to welcoming you and walking with you on this sacred journey. May this Jubilee Year bring abundant blessings to you and your loved ones.
Yours in Christ,
Father Paul Cheong, OFM. Cap
The Jubilee Year is a time to re-establish a proper relationship with:


One Another

All of Creation

Jubilee Churches: A Pilgrim’s Destination of Grace
Jubilee Churches are specially designated places of worship during the Holy Year, providing pilgrims with a unique opportunity to experience God’s grace through prayer, pilgrimages, and Jubilee community events. These churches serve as spiritual sanctuaries where pilgrims can deepen their faith, fulfill the conditions for a plenary indulgence, and forge meaningful connections with the broader Catholic community. Each Jubilee Church carries its own distinctive historical, spiritual, or cultural significance, making them meaningful destinations for pilgrims seeking renewal and a personal encounter with God.
To explore the complete list of Jubilee Churches in Malaysia and plan your pilgrimage, visit: https://shorturl.at/iSBfZ
What does the Jubilee Year mean to you?
Join us in exploring the profound meaning of this sacred time - a season of grace, renewal, and divine invitation. Reflect on how you can embrace Christ’s boundless love and mercy while cultivating a deeper communion with others and all of creation.
Explore Jubilee 2025 at SFA Church
As a designated Jubilee Pilgrim Church, SFA Church is committed to offering a warm and enriching experience to all pilgrims who visit, guiding them to seek God's mercy and encounter Jesus in a personal way during this sacred year.

(1) Regular Spiritual Renewal Sessions
During the Jubilee Year, pilgrims are invited to join SFA community for our regular spiritual enrichment sessions, where we can walk together in faith as “Pilgrims of Hope”.
Christian Meditation: Every Tuesday, 6.30pm - 9.30pm @ SFA Chapel
Catholic Charismatic Renewal (CCR) Prayer Meeting: Every 1st or 2nd Saturday of the month, 7.30pm – 10pm @ JPII Hall
Holy Hour: Every Friday 5.30pm - 6.30pm @ SFA Chapel
Silent Eucharistic Adoration: Every Tuesday 12pm - 5.30pm @ SFA Chapel (Effective 18 Feb 2025)
Taize Prayer Adoration: 2nd Thursday of the month, 8pm - 9pm @ SFA Chapel (starting from February 2025)
12-Hour Perpetual Adoration (Pentecost Preparation): From 8pm on 6 June till 8am on 7 June @ SFA Chapel
12-Hour Perpetual Adoration (Advent Preparation): From 8pm on 5 Dec till 8am on 6 Dec @ SFA Chapel

(2) Jubilee Pilgrimages
We will organise a series of pilgrimages throughout the Jubilee Year, each providing a unique spiritual experience, including:
Life-Sized Stations of the Cross: A reflective journey through Christ's Passion.
Veneration of Relics: Eight first-class relics of saints to inspire deeper faith and prayer.
Stained Glass Tour: Explore the life of our patron saint, St. Francis of Assisi, depicted in our stunning stained glass windows.
SFA Church History: Uncover the rich history and significance of our church within the community.
In addition, we have planned special themed pilgrimages for 2025:
Contemplative Living Pilgrimage: 1 March 2025 (Sat), 1pm – 10pm
Care for Creation Pilgrimage: 26 April 2025 (Sat), 8am – 2pm
If you are interested in organising a group pilgrimage (minimum of 15 persons), please contact Christine Danker @ 011-1664 6725 or register through the Google form provided.

(3) Jubilee Events
A series of Jubilee Events will be organized in 2025 to provide a spiritual experience that mirrors the one offered by the Vatican during the Jubilee Year. These events are planned based on the Vatican's Jubilee Calendar for 2025.
Here are the Jubilee Events that we plan to organise during the first four months of 2025:
Jubilee of the Armed Forces, Police & Security Personnel (15 Feb 2025)
Jubilee of Artists (8 Mar 2025)
24 Hours Adoration with the Lord (28 Mar 5.30pm to 29 Mar 5.30pm in the Chapel)
Jubilee of the Sick & Health Care Workers (5 Apr 2025)
Jubilee of Persons with Disabilities (26 Apr 2025)
Archdiocesan Catechetical Convention (6 Sept 2025)
Jubilee for Religious (4 Oct 2025)
Jubilee Choir Conference (15 Nov 2025)
Further details about these events will be shared in due course.

(4) Jubilee Formation
As part of our Jubilee celebrations, we are committed to providing spiritual formation that guides the faithful on their journey of renewal. Below is a preview of the workshops and seminars we have planned for 2025:
Life in the Spirit Seminar in Tamil (Date to be confirmed)
Life in the Spirit Seminar in Mandarin (14 – 16 Mar 2025)
Mercy Night in Lent Season (Mar 2025)
Mercy Night in Advent Season (Nov 2025)
Divine Mercy Talk and Adoration to the Blessed Sacrament with Divine Mercy Chaplet (27 Apr 2025)
Prayer Workshop (Aug 2025)
Blessed Carlos Acutis Exhibition (May 2025)
Jubilee Pentecost Rally (6- 8 Jun 2025)
Jubilee Youth Rally (30 Aug 2025)

(5) Cultural Celebration
Join us in embracing the richness of cultural diversity within our community. These cultural celebrations are a beautiful way to experience the unity of faith and tradition:
Ponggal Celebration (19 Jan 2025)
Chinese New Year Celebration (29 Jan 2025)
Kagape Celebration (29 Jun 2025)
Further details about these celebrations will be shared soon.

Plan Your Visit
We warmly welcome all pilgrims to SFA Church. Whether you’re visiting with your family, parish group, or on your own, we are here to guide and support you every step of the way.
For details about our Mass and Confession times, visit: www.sfa.org.my/visit-us
Stay updated on the Jubilee events and happenings at our church throughout 2025 by following us on Facebook: https://fb.com/mysfacheras
We look forward to welcoming you and making your visit a memorable one!